In 2019, the NCC Team reflected on our Company’s earliest Historic Preservation efforts: Our work to preserve, restore, and repurpose some of our region’s most significant Historic buildings on the Shelburne Farm Campus.
At the time, we wrote about the synergy between Historic Preservation and Sustainability, encouraged by an increasing trend to push the boundaries of Sustainability and Energy Efficiency, while revitalizing beautiful existing building stock. You can read more about this reflection here: https://www.neagleychase.com/historic-preservation-and-sustainability-a-perfect-partnership/
Two notable Historic Adaptation projects, one for Vermont Public Radio (VPR) and the other for the Town of Shelburne, were also highlighted in a video we created entitled “NCC: Partners in Progress”. You can watch that video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owEsuXv-Rf8&feature=emb_title
Fast forward another year, and we are excited to be partnering with the Teams at Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC), Vermont Integrated Architecture (VIA), and HELM Construction Solutions, to again blend forward-thinking Sustainable Design with an extensive Historic Restoration & Adaptation.
This project includes a complete rehabilitation of a beautiful Federal Style residence built a few doors down from the Vermont State House in the late 1800’s. The scope of work includes a full thermal envelope and window upgrade, a complete MEP systems replacement including an air source heat pump (ASHP) system, site improvements, reconfiguration of spaces and restored finishes throughout. The project’s sustainability goals include Net Zero Ready Energy and Low Embodied Carbon, with some exciting work underway to accurately track the project’s Embodied Carbon.
Construction is set to begin in the Fall of 2020 and we look forward to once again blending our passions for both Historic Preservation and Sustainability.